The referral spam bots are now from Saint Petersburg

I had written in the past about discovering the Samara Oblast bots. For those of you who are unaware, just quickly check in your Google Analytics, in the Audience reports section the Location report.

If you are receiving a bunch of traffic from Russia, then it’s most likely spammy traffic. This traffic will never convert and will always be a small set of users, however with a decently large number of sessions.

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Navigating through the Digital Matrix

This is a little late publishing this post (it should have been 2 years back), however, my appreciation of this map has improved, and I thought it would be a good time to talk about the Gartner Digital Marketing Map.

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Why you should not play with a live WP site

I do most of my experiments on this blog. Whereas most of the experiments are on content and digital marketing, some tend to be technical.

Yesterday, I was trying out the exceptional Pods framework on my blog. In my haste to try out Pods, I skipped setting up a locally hosted WordPress stack and opted to install it on this blog instead.

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My first Ionic App

The couple of Phonegap apps that I worked on, things were too messed up.

  1. Is it Phonegap or is it Cordova?
  2. Do I build locally or do I used Phonegap Build?
  3. Using jQuery Mobile, which event happens first – device ready or jquery ready?
  4. Why is this too slow?

There were times, when I felt that I had absolutely no control on the app. This is where my frustrations with Phonegap started growing … not to mention the insane compile complications.

Enter Ionic

This is where I first learn about the Cordova project and how there are multiple spin-offs of that. Phonegap being just one of those … I always assumed that PG and Cordova were synonyms. Guess not.

To start with Ionic, the getting started guide to Ionic is a pretty decent place to start. Keep in mind though that it’s best that you go through some basic Angular tutorials before you dive into Ionic.

Enter Angular

The thing about javascript based apps is that you need a javascript library to run the app on. You could arguably use native JS methods and create your own bespoke app.

But that’s not really a wise choice (unless you are a freaky javascript ninja). I don’t know about you, but I for certain am not. Let me at those libraries!

This is where jqm or angular really matter. My experience with jqm was pretty bad and although I am liking angular, things seem far more in my control.

Gartner Hype Cycle 2015

Gartner Hype Cycle 2015

I have been following the Hype Cycle reports that Gartner publishes for quite some time (since 2008, if I remember correctly). There are multiple applications of the Hype Cycle, and for these reasons I keep myself updated whenever a new report is published.

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