7C Model

When I was doing my PGDM at IIM-I, I had taken one course known as IT Enabled Marketing (ITEM). The crux of that course was a simple model known as the 7C model. The point I am rekindling this knowledge is because I aim to use it in real life business for a change. The theory that was taught two years back is finally going through chrysalis and culminating (in what I hope) to reality. Any web portal should have as many of the 7C’s as possible, they would be –

  1. Context
  2. Content
  3. Community
  4. Customization
  5. Communication
  6. Connection
  7. Commerce

The latest web portal that I was working on had just 4C’s … we are currently working on the 5th one. Will keep you posted on this.

4 thoughts on “7C Model”

  1. Nothing funny about it. Its a Toyota Way principle. Every time there is a symptom, ask “Why” at least 5 times. The first cause normally leads to a bandage solution rather than a long term solution.

  2. Ohhh!! the 5 Whys!!! Shucks, effectively you are looking at an angle 4 times deeper than you normally would :-)

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