Well, the Budget is out and the Hon. Fin. Min. (HFM … no, not the magazine) has finished his speech. I was going over the salient points and realized that the budget does not do anything great for the country or the economy.
- An additional Service tax … iffy … yay! more money for the government
- Tax slab revised by 20,000 INR. Meh, I am already in the highest tax slab. What about me :-)
- Some forecasts on the GDP and the macro-economic rates, yawn
- Okay, the Automobile industry can cheer about something
Some more such points which are only worth getting a yawn, meh or hmm.
I wonder by the HFM bothers with churning out such budgets, it talks of the attitude of if its working, then don’t fix it. So this is what they do after 1 year’s work? It’s really a Johnny Walker Budget .. nothing has changed pretty much … keep walking.