This tip is not more of a tip, but rather an interesting experiment which players can try to confound the attacking horde. For you to successfully pull this off, it is strongly suggested that you have a defensive army and are an experienced player.
One of my clan members gave me this idea, and I decided to try it out. The idea is simple and I feel like a fool that why could not I have thought this. You go for Forbidden City wonder, and build a Senate for that city … making it the Mega-Capital. Know that Forbidden City has a higher border push and being a wonder has oodles of hit points. You do this right, and put your capital wonder city right on the border of your kingdom and you suddenly have a veritable fortress city.
(Contribution from Ameya Mane) This will only work before the Industrial age, from then onwards normal cities have higher HPs!! Nevertheless, it could be a good military tactic to reduce capital timers.
There are a few drawbacks of this idea, first Forbidden City comes for a minimum of 250 Food, 250 Wood. Thus it cannot be your second city, also by this time you will have built a Senate. So while building your wonder, you will have to simultaneously raze your own Senate. If your Patriot dies during that time, then you will have to wait for the entire process to finish to get him back.
Tried playing this game. It is fun but I feel it drags a bit. Still feel AOE and AOM are the best series.
Prateek, at tougher levels AOE and AOM do not seem that hard. Try this game at the tougher levels, it really rocks!
AOE takes 3-4 hrs each game…………..And PRO AOE AOM games r sure to take 5 hrs………….depends on which level u play…………while RON takes barely 1 hr max…………..and 25 mins for pro games lolz
hmmm……not an advisory step to be taken………………The main moto of forbidden city is to get rid of your timer when your cap is under threat…………The main disadvantage of forbidden capital is that if you lose it, your surely dead……….bcoz you give your opponent a no timer caps…..+ lose on your caps and make the game worse for your allies.
And one more thing………..the size of your capital is more then forbidden after age 5-6………… So not an advisory step………instead keep it as a weapon and use it wen ur cap timer is on. :D
I can see how those 700 games on Gamespy are paying off :)
lolz…..must have dropped 200 games lolz and have been playin on gamepsy since the past 7 months……i.e 210 days……hehehe…….I’m still not a pro lolz……A semi-pro u can say :D
well u dont have to w8 for ur senate guy ( patriot ) u can build the senate and if theres no senate he will come from the capital. experienced it today :)