Signs that you are a new parent
- Dark circles around your eyes
- The constant worry that nags at you when your kid is not feeling well
- You end up loosing your favorite computer game because you were paying more attention to her turning over successfully
- The lack of privacy … sigh!!
- You have more energy at the end of the day
- Baby-talk comes naturally to you
- Somehow you notice other kids, and the peer pressure just gets to you
- me-time reduces to 10% of the original planned schedule
“Dark Circles around your eyes” – not yet!
“Constant worry that nags you EVEN when your kid is feeling well”
Also the odd amount of interest in new toys, baby stores n assorted baby paraphernalia which u feel ur baby MUST have….
Sympathies :)
Just a thought…You might as well start a training school for newbies :)
Call it “Achtung Baby”
@Aina – yes! I agree!
@Arati – Will add it to the list
@Abhishek – lol, well said!!
Lol… :-)
How is Ansuya doing?
Anasuya is doing well, growing leaps and bounds and ensuring that her parents are already having sleepless nights!!